C.B.T. / B.T.

The cognitive behaviour therapy works by identifying the root cause and cause of destructive behaviour patterns. It focuses on breaking the pattern and changing the approach to the situation which results in change in habits. Cognitive approach targets the thoughts, emotions and behaviour of the person.

The Process associated with CBT

  • Identifying the thought patterns
  • Breaking the negative chain
  • Rebuilding it with new approaches
  • Practicing new pattern
  • Goal setting
  • Self monitoring

Tools for CBT includes

  • Regular one on one sessions
  • Role-play activities
  • Behavioural diary
  • Maintaining the positive change
  • Frequent feedback

What can be treated by CBT

  • Addiction
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Eating disorders
  • Panic attacks
  • Phobias

CBT is a highly effective treatment which results in major changes as well as is relatively measureable. It is one of the most considerate short-term therapies.



The therapy involves techniques that depend on the nature of the problem and its origins. Therapist deconstructs the negative beliefs and substitutes it with positive thinking methodologies. The REBT therapy sessions will guide the patient to explore where these beliefs originate and develop a plan to recognize and replace them with positive thinking.

The three major techniques used within REBT therapy.

  • Problem solving techniques
  • Cognitive restructuring technique
  • Coping techniques

Process of REBT

  • Identifying the rational thoughts & beliefs
  • Challenging the irrational beliefs
  • Practicing the rational belief in actions

Benefits of REBT

  • Stability as well as self acceptance
  • Overcoming the everyday conflicts
  • Regulating the positive thoughts
  • Dealing with circumstances and situations in a realistic way
  • Increasing cognitive approach

Integrative Therapy

Integrative therapy is a combination of different therapeutic tools and is used in accordance with clients’ benefits. Integrative therapy brings together different elements of the therapy and uses them in multiple ways.

This therapy depends on the core idea that psychology can be explored in different ways. It solely depends on an individual’s problem, behavioral and psychological approach towards any situation.

Benefits of integrated therapy

A key advantage of integrative therapy is its flexibility and focus on the whole of an individual. The integration of different approaches means therapy can be tailored to meet a variety of needs and concerns, making it arguably a more flexible and inclusive approach to treatment than more traditional, singular forms of psychotherapy.


Humanistic Therapy

Humanistic therapy is considered to be the positive approach therapy to any situation. This therapy includes the patient as well as the therapist. Humanistic therapy looks at the person as a whole where his viewpoint matters the most in the whole process of therapy. He is asked to identify his pattern of thinking by observing his own behavior.

This is one of the therapy which involves the Gestalt process, this interlinks with an approach of a supportive environment, empathy and trust that allows the individual to explore his own thinking process.

Humanistic therapy can be helpful in following areas of life:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Panic Attacks
  • Personality Disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Addiction
  • Relationship Issues
  • Family Relationships

Fundamentals of Humanistic therapy

  • Experincig is the core process
  • The individual experience his behaviour as whole
  • Self actualization remains constant throughout the process
  • People are inherently good and will experience growth if provided with suitable conditions, especially during childhood.